Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Poor Reader

It's been a month since I came back here in Philippines and I'm loving every second of it! No job is keeping me busy at the moment but I'm trying to make the most out of my free time until I get a new job again. Since a have a lot of free time in my hands, I started getting hooked in reading books again instead of surfing the internet or watching movies which is a total opposite of what I do back in Dubai. 

After finishing the last book I had read, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte (which I bought for only Php 79!!!), I felt crippled not reading anything. I'm on a budget so I cannot spend lavishly on any book I just wish to read, I started reading old books (and manga). 

But then, I guess I was lucky. We went to Shopwise Alabang and found these 2 books for only Php 99!!!

How cool was that?!
Just have to dig into the pile of books to find good ones.

I think after my so-called vacay I really need to start looking for a job to satisfy my hunger for books.
But the question is, if a start working again, can I still read??? :)

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